ALPS MicroDry Inks

ALPS MicroDry standard CMYK and spot colour inks, including white, metallic, foil and burnishing ink cartridges are useful for decal printing. Non-supported inks can be used through appropriate relabelling of the cartridges.

For official printer compatibility, and ink information, see ink information.

Photo printing uses dye-sublimation mode (not used for decals), and different inks and media. For details, see dye-sublimation inks sales.

Elephant's Rocket have produced 20 new ink types (prefix ZK-MDC) to avoid over-printing and use of the now very expensive CMY inks. These new inks are listed in the product list below. A feature of these inks is that they allow overprinting among themselves, thereby realizing a vast range of colours. Most of the inks are translucent, while some are opaque, this influencing the overprinting effect. A demonstration graphic is attached below for reference, the original is available from Elephant's Rocket here: link to ZIP file of ZK ink overprinting chart, with further explanations here: Explanations regarding the colour chart.

Figure: Elephant's Rocket ink overprinting chart. Vertical columns show the initial print, while horizontal rows show single and double overprinting of the columns. Note the effects where colours are opaque, versus where colours are translucent.

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New Inks

New inks (see our product list below) are directly purchased from ALPS or their agent. When ordering large quantities (over 100 inks of one type), please contact us to confirm lead time needed.

Partially-used Inks

We also have a stock of partially-used inks, including many that are barely (several centimetres) used, to those that are half-used or almost empty. The latter are useful for testing printers or artwork, and many users re-use cassettes to try and get the most out of the expensive purchase with carefully-designed artwork.

Prices depend on the amount of ink left, inquiries handled on case-by-case basis.

Specific Information for Shipping

Product List

MicroDry ink stock availability.
Length information courtesy of
Product Code Common Name Length Price (JPY) Stock Availability
MDC-FLCM Magenta 170m 4400 In stock
MDC-FLCC Cyan 170m 4400 In stock
MDC-FLCY Yellow 170m 4400 In stock
MDC-FLCK Black 170m 2500 In stock
MDC-FLC3 CMY set 170m (each) 13000 In stock
MDC-FLK3 3-K set 170m (each) 6500 In stock
MDC-FLML Multi-colour (unknown) 2000 Limited
MDC-PREP VPhoto Primer / MF Ink 100m 2200 In stock
MDC-FLCG Glossy (Finish I) 70m 4000 In stock
MDC-FRVG Finish II (rewindable) 50m 2500 In stock
MDC-FMEG Foil Gold 40m 2500 In stock
MDC-FMES Foil Silver 40m 2500 In stock
MDC-METG Metallic Gold 40m 2800 In stock
MDC-METS Metallic Silver 40m 2800 Limited
MDC-METR (MLC-SMTR) Metallic Red 40m 3300 Limited
MDC-METB (MLC-SMTB) Metallic Blue 40m 3300 Limited
MDC-SCWH Special (Spot) White 55m 2800 In stock
MDC-OPWH Opaque (Base) White 100m 3800 In stock
MDC-ECBK Econo Black (unknown) 2000 Limited
MDC-LBFK Labeca FREE Black (unknown) 1000 Limited
MDC-LBFR Labeca FREE Red (unknown) 1000 Limited
MDC-LBFB Labeca FREE Blue (unknown) 1000 Limited
MDC-OHPY Transparency Yellow (unknown) 1000 Limited
MDC-OHPM Transparency Magenta (unknown) 1000 Limited
MDC-OHPC Transparency Cyan (unknown) 1000 Limited
ZK-MDC-PWMR Pastel White 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PWM3 Pastel White (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-DKMR Dark 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-DKM3 Dark (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-IGMR Ice Gray 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-IGM3 Ice Gray (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-LGMR Light Gray 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-LGM3 Light Gray (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-MGMR Mid Gray 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-MGM3 Mid Gray (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-CRMR Cream 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-CRM3 Cream (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-CMMR Camel 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-CMM3 Camel (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-BRMR Brown 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-BRM3 Brown (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-SFMR Sunflower 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-SFM3 Sunflower (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PKMR Pumpkin 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PKM3 Pumpkin (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-ORMR Orange 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-ORM3 Orange (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PIMR Pink 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PIM3 Pink (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-RDMR Red 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-RDM3 Red (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-WIMR Wine 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-WIM3 Wine (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-LMMR Lime 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-LMM3 Lime (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-EMMR Emerald 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-EMM3 Emerald (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-GNMR Green 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-GNM3 Green (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-BGMR Blue Green 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-BGM3 Blue Green (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-AAMR Aqua 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-AAM3 Aqua (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PPMR Purple 50m 2500 In Stock
ZK-MDC-PPM3 Purple (3-set) 50m (each) 6500 In Stock

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